Panajachel is located in the mayan Highlands in Guatemala, Solola department, Panajachel or Pana, as locals refer to it, is one of the main touristic atractions in Guatemala
Panajachel, Lake Atitlan, Solola, Guatemala
How to get there
There are basically two wasy, by Chicken Bus, departing from Guatemala city or Antigua is the cheapest way at around $4.
The suggested way if by using a shuttle service with a minivan with a price of $12 from Antigua to Panajachel, this option, besides being confortable is safe and whitot any risk of your wallet desapearing.
When in Panajachel.
Panajachel is an small town, the main street Av. Santander, Calle Principal and Public beach are the main attractions, besides more many people skip due to lack of knowledge. A little walk of 10-15 minutes can take you almost anyware. Floating around you can find Tuc-Tucs moto taxi service for Q5 -$0.6 around Pana, with a Q10 charge for destinations like Atitlan Natural Reserve or Peña de Oro.
Handycrafts In Panajachel you can find a wide range of handycrafts from the area or the country, mayan hands work to produce beautiful mostacilla works, wood work and ceramics among others…
Culture A cultural tour in Panajachel includes the archeological acuatic museum, the art gallery, the Raul Vasquez museum, the Panajachel House of Culture, the market and of course the butterfly area, integrated in the Atitlan Natural Reserve.
Boat Docks
Panajachel is also the main access point to many villages around Lake Atitlan, including Santa Catarina Palopo, San Antonio Palopo, Jaibalito, San Marcos la Laguna, San Juan La Laguna, San Pedro La Laguna y Santiago Atitlan, boats depart from TzanJuyu dock and price range goes from Q10 to Q25. Boats to Santiago Atitlan depart from the dock at the end of Rancho Grande street. You can get boat tickets to all destinations at our office.